I don't want justice

In the past I have gone to the Police station to file a complaint, have gone to the court to file a case. In all these instances I did not get justice, they only added on to my problems. These experiences have taught me that in India (my country) it is easier to solve problems on our own than going to the police station or court. Which means a common man like me does not get free quality education, free quality medical facilities, and easy justice in this country despite paying taxes.

The recent brutal gang rape has compelled me to write something about it. The protest is result of the above mentioned situation faced by the entire nation. Its clear everyone is totally upset about the current situation of the state and the government's zero effort to improve it. Every case (including rape cases) take ages in the court and it takes almost a decade for conviction. Above all the conviction rates are low as well. The police has the duty of putting culprits behind bars but it totally considers this as a work of charity rather than their duty.

Due to these poor situations in the country the common man has at last come out. This protest is not about this one case but millions of such cases in the past and probably in the future. If the politicians really care about this country then they should put stringent law in place to curb rape and sexual harassment against women and simultaneously push the police and investigating agencies to increase the conviction rate of the rape accused and at the same time ensure that no innocent is put behind bars.


  1. Indian politicians are too busy saving their own "kursi". Public benefit is the last thing on their list, if it is there at all. Why would they solve public's problems if the public is still re-electing them again and again for the last sixty years? Besides thinking about rebuilding the political system, we also need to think about the "education" we are giving to our children. A truly educated person is much less likely to commit a crime, but somebody who just bought a degree rather than understood the true purpose of education will do anything for money or fun.


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