NASA Scientist James Hansen Want Action On Global Warming

Hansen is director of the Goddard Institute of Space Studies at NASA. Hansen is on of first scientists that warm people about global warming in the 1980. He said if web (human) still produce CO2 will make disaster to our world. By using coal and other fossil fuel, this will increase CO2 concentration on our atmosphere from 385 to 600 parts per million (ppm) in the next 10 year.

Major scientists will say that cause of global warming is because human produce CO2, but not for Roy W. Spencer, a research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. But Spencer views are not shared by most science, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a multinational panel that released updated conclusions about human produced global warming and its risks last year.

How To Reduce CO2 Emissions

Hansen has some idea and solution for this :

1. Postpone building new coal fired power plant unless they have carbon sequestration technology.

2. Phasing out the use of coal fire power plant in the next 20 year. This is because largest source of future carbon emissions.

3. Tax on carbon and returning the revenues produced by it to the public through a dividend.

If Hansen proposal can be implemented i think CO2 emissions can be reduced. Goo luck Hansen.


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